In the fast-paced realm of software development, the seamless execution of your code across various platforms is imperative. An obstacle frequently encountered, particularly by newcomers, pertains to the inconsistent treatment of file and directory paths by different operating systems.

This article is designed with beginners to intermediate users in mind, offering a smooth journey through the complexities of file path management. We’ll familiarize you with Python’s Pathlib module, a game-changing tool in this context. Our coverage includes understanding the challenges posed by cross-platform path handling and a detailed exploration of the Pathlib module’s capabilities. We’ll cover everything from creating and manipulating paths to working with files and directories, and we’ll even dive into advanced techniques like pattern matching and recursive directory traversal. Let’s begin!

Why Use Pathlib Instead of os.path?

The os.path module has been the traditional way of dealing with file paths and directory structures in Python. However, with the introduction of the Pathlib module in Python 3.4, many developers have started to prefer it over os.path due to its object-oriented and intuitive nature. For instance, consider joining paths. With os.path, the process looks something like this:

import os
path = os.path.join("folder", "subfolder", "file.txt")

While this method works, it can be a bit cumbersome, especially when dealing with multiple nested paths. On the other hand, with Pathlib, the same task becomes more intuitive and readable:

from pathlib import Path
path = Path("folder") / "subfolder" / "file.txt"

One of the main advantages of Pathlib is its object-oriented approach. Instead of using functions to manipulate paths, Pathlib allows you to use operators and methods on path objects. This makes the code more expressive and easier to understand. For instance, using the forward slash / operator to concatenate paths feels more natural and makes the code more readable.

In the upcoming sections, we will delve into various operations and functionalities provided by the Pathlib module.

Instantiating Paths with Pathlib

Pathlib allows creating path objects by directly passing the path as a string to the Path class. Alternatively, you can combine or chain paths using the forward slash / operator.

from pathlib import Path

##direct instantiation

p1 = Path('folder/subfolder/file.txt')

##combining paths

p2 = Path('folder') / 'subfolder' / 'file.txt'



In the above script, both methods produce the same output, but the second method’s chaining approach can be more readable in some contexts.

On Windows, the above code will output paths with backslashes \, while on UNIX-based systems, it will use forward slashes /. Regardless of how the path is represented in the code, Pathlib will output the path using the correct separator for the operating system it’s running on - which is a significant feature.

  • On a Windows machine, the output will showcase paths with backslashes \, e.g., folder\subfolder\file.txt..
  • On UNIX-based systems, like Linux or macOS, it will output paths using forward slashes /, e.g., folder/subfolder/file.txt.

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Working with Directories

In this section, we will explore various operations associated with directories using the Pathlib module. From creating directories to listing their contents and checking if they’re empty, you’ll learn the foundational tasks required to manage directories effectively.

Creating Directories

Let’s start with the basics. Often, before storing files, we need to ensure the directory where they’ll reside exists. Here’s how you can create a new directory using Pathlib:

dir_path = Path('E:/new_directory')

The mkdir method in the above script creates a directory. Leveraging the exist_ok parameter ensures the operation proceeds without raising an error, even if the directory is already present.

Listing Directory Contents

Now that we have a directory, it would be useful to see its contents. Using iterdir(), you can iterate over the contents of a directory, listing all files and subdirectories. You can use the following script to view the files in E:/new_directory.

from pathlib import Path
directory = Path("E:/new_directory")
for child in directory.iterdir():

In my directory, I had the following files. You will see a different output.


E:\new_directory\my document 1.txt
E:\new_directory\my document 2.txt
E:\new_directory\my presentation.pptx
E:\new_directory\my worksheet.xlsx

Checking if a Directory is Empty

At times, it’s essential to determine if a directory contains any files or subdirectories. Here’s how you can check if a directory is empty:

from pathlib import Path
directory = Path("E:/new_directory")
is_empty = not any(directory.iterdir())
print(f"Directory is empty: {is_empty}")


Directory is empty: False

The above code snippet inspects the directory for content by attempting to iterate over its constituents. If the directory yields no items during iteration, it is deemed empty.

Working with Files

In this section, we will look into the vast capabilities of working with files using the Python’s Pathlib module. Understanding how to work with files is pivotal for any developer, as data persistence, configuration management, and many other tasks rely on reading from or writing to files. The Pathlib module provides a concise and object-oriented interface to perform various file operations, making these tasks more intuitive and less error-prone.

Creating a Files

Let’s begin by understanding how to create a new file. With the Pathlib, this becomes a breeze. You can append a forward slash to the Path object and add a file name in string format. Next, call the touch() method to create a new file, just like you would on a UNIX-based system.

file_path = dir_path / 'example.txt'

The touch() method creates an empty file if it doesn’t exist.

Reading from a File

Once we have a file, it’s often necessary to read its contents. The read_text() method reads the content of a file as a string.

from pathlib import Path
file_path = Path("E:/new_directory/example.txt")
content = file_path.read_text()


Hello Python!
Welcome to Pathlib.
Let's work with files!

The above script displays the contents of a file after reading it line by line.

Writing to a File

The write_text() method writes a string to a file and overwrites all the contents currently in the file.

from pathlib import Path
file_path = Path("E:/new_directory/example.txt")
file_path.write_text("This line is written to the file")
content = file_path.read_text()


This line is written to the file

Appending to a File

The write_text() method will overwrite all the contents of your file, but what if you want to add something to the end of the file? Using the open() method with the a mode will allow you to append the text to the end of a file.

from pathlib import Path
file_path = Path("E:/new_directory/example.txt")
with'a') as file:
    file.write("\nAppended Text.")

content = file_path.read_text()


This line is written to the file
Appended Text.

Deleting a File

You can delete a file using the unlink() method.


Picking out Path Components

Understanding the components of a path is crucial for many file operations. Here’s how you can extract specific parts:

from pathlib import Path
file_path = Path(r"E:/new_directory/example.txt")



Copying Files

To copy files, you can use the Python Shutil module in combination with the Pathlib module.

You can create two Path objects for the source and destination files and then pass the two objects to the copy() method of the shutil module as shown in the following script:

import pathlib
import shutil

my_file = pathlib.Path("E:/new_directory/example.txt")
to_file = pathlib.Path("D:/new_directory/example_copied.txt")

shutil.copy(my_file, to_file)

Notice that you’ll need to make sure the example.txt file exists for the above script to execute without error.

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Advanced Features of Pathlib

The pathlib module is not only about basic file operations; it also offers a plethora of advanced features that allow for more sophisticated file and directory manipulations. Whether you’re searching for files based on patterns, traversing directories, or ensuring unique filenames, pathlib has you covered. Let’s explore some of these advanced capabilities.


Searching for files based on specific patterns is known as globbing. For instance, to locate all text files in a directory, you can use the glob() method as shown in the following script:

from pathlib import Path
dir_path = Path("E:/new_directory")
for txt_file in dir_path.glob('*.txt'):


E:\new_directory\my document 1.txt
E:\new_directory\my document 2.txt

Pattern Matching

Checking if a specific path matches a desired pattern can be done using the match() method. For example the following script checks if a file has the .txt extension.

from pathlib import Path
file_path = Path("E:/new_directory/example.txt")
if file_path.match("*.txt"):
    print(f"{file_path} is a text file!")


E:\new_directory\example.txt is a text file!

Recursive Directory Traversal

In scenarios where you need to search the current directory and all its subdirectories, the rglob() method is helpful. The rglob() method is similar to glob, but it searches recursively through all subdirectories. Here’s an example that recursively searches for text files in the root and sub-directories.

from pathlib import Path
dir_path = Path("E:/new_directory")
for file in dir_path.rglob('*.txt'):


E:\new_directory\my document 1.txt
E:\new_directory\my document 2.txt
E:\new_directory\sub directory\my nested text file.txt

Finding the Most Recently Modified File

Finding the most recently modified file in a directory is a useful operation in many scenarios, and it can be accomplished by examining the modification time (st_mtime) and applying the max() function with a lambda function as the comparison key.

from pathlib import Path
directory = Path("E:/new_directory")
latest_file = max(directory.glob('*'), key=lambda f: f.stat().st_mtime)



Counting Files

You can use an inline For loop with the sum() and glob() functions to count the total number of files in a directory. Here’s an example:

from pathlib import Path
directory = Path("E:/new_directory")
file_count = sum(1 for _ in directory.glob('*'))


In this article, you explored the versatility of the Python Pathlib module, gaining insights into how it can simplify and enhance file and directory operations. We examined advanced operations using Pathlib, such as finding files based on specific criteria, working with paths in a platform-independent manner, and efficiently accessing file attributes. It’s worth emphasizing that adopting the Pathlib module is a recommended best practice for file handling in Python, as it not only streamlines operations but also ensures cross-platform compatibility, making it a powerful tool for developers working on various operating systems.

Now that you know about Pathlib, try it out! Start with small tasks. For example, you could use it to organize some files on your computer. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at it. And always remember, coding is all about learning and improving.

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