Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Available Properties
  3. Renaming a Checkbox
  4. Check the Value of a Checkbox
  5. Checking/Unchecking
  6. Enabling/Disabling Checkboxes
  7. Hiding/Unhiding Checkboxes
  8. Editing Label
  9. Adding/Deleting Checkboxes
  10. Selecting a Checkbox
  11. Linking to a Cell
  12. Checkbox Font
  13. Checkbox Color
  14. Changing Other Properties
  15. Run Macro when Checkbox is Clicked
  16. Run Macro when Mouse Hovers over Checkbox
  17. Other Checkbox Events
  18. Looping Through All Checkboxes


This complete guide shows you how to control Excel ActiveX Checkboxes using VBA. If you want to learn how to control Form Control Checkboxes, instead, head over to my Excel VBA Form Control Checkboxes Guide.

ActiveX checkboxes are one of the two types of checkboxes you can add directly to your worksheet. The ActiveX checkboxes are located under ActiveX Controls on the Developer Tab > Insert menu:

Excel VBA ActiveX Checkboxes
ActiveX Checkboxes

I made a sample product survey form using Excel ActiveX Checkboxes. I’ll point to this survey form throughout this guide as I use VBA macros to show you how to control ActiveX checkboxes.

Excel Survey Form
Excel Survey Form

Keep reading to learn how to grab the value, check, uncheck, change properties and loop through all ActiveX checkboxes!

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Available Properties

Unlike Form Control Checkboxes, you can right-click ActiveX Checkboxes and pull up a list of properties:

ActiveX Checkbox Properties
ActiveX Checkbox Properties

All these properties can be changed in Excel using VBA - I’ll show you how.

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Renaming a Checkbox

The checkbox name can be found beside the row labeled (Name) in the Properties Window. A version of the name is found in the upper left of Excel when you have your checkbox selected, but here are two cautions about relying on this version of the name:

  1. ActiveX controls cannot have spaces in their names. That’s why Method 1, below, works. Even if you put a space in the name in the upper left, the (Name) attribute in the Properties Window will still not have the space.
  2. You must click Design Mode on the Developer Tab to select your checkbox


Method 1

Sub CheckboxName_Method1()
End Sub

Method 2

Sub CheckboxName_Method2()
End Sub

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Return the Value of your Checkbox

Just like with Form Control Checkboxes, there is more than one way to check the value of an ActiveX checkbox using VBA. I’ll show you two ways. The following macros return the value of a checkbox named “CheckBox1” and store the value in the variable cbValue:

Method 1

Sub CheckboxValue_Method1()
    Dim cbValue As Variant
    cbValue = ActiveSheet.CheckBox1.Value
End Sub

Method 2

Sub CheckboxValue_Method2()
    Dim cbValue As Variant
    cbValue = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Object.Value
End Sub

Make powerful macros with our free VBA Developer Kit

This is actually pretty neat. If you have trouble understanding or remembering it, our free VBA Developer Kit can help. It’s loaded with VBA shortcuts to help you make your own macros like this one - we’ll send a copy, along with our Big Book of Excel VBA Macros, to your email address below.

I'll take a free VBA Developer Kit

Notice, the syntax of these macros is slightly different than the macros for Form Control Checkboxes. ActiveX Controls fall into the OLEObjects category, which are a subset of the Shapes collection we used when calling Form Control Checkboxes.

Each method produces the same result, so you can use whichever one you feel the most comfortable with. There are three possible values of a checkbox.

Value Example Description
True Excel ActiveX Checkbox Value of True Checked
False Excel ActiveX Checkbox Value of False Unchecked
Null Excel ActiveX Checkbox Value of Null Grayed Out

If you’re trying to read the value of a checkbox using a data type Boolean, you will receive an error if the value is Null. That’s why I chose a Variant data type in the macro examples above.

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Checking/Unchecking your Checkbox

Checking and unchecking your checkbox is almost identical to returning the value of your checkbox. Again, at least two methods can be used. The following macros first check the box, then uncheck the box and, finally, nullify the checkbox:

Method 1

Sub Check_Method1()
    'Check the checkbox
    ActiveSheet.CheckBox1.Value = True
    'Uncheck the checkbox
    ActiveSheet.CheckBox1.Value = False
    'Gray the checkbox
    ActiveSheet.CheckBox1.Value = Null
End Sub

Method 2

Sub Check_Method2()
    'Check the checkbox
    ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Object.Value = True
    'Uncheck the checkbox
    ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Object.Value = False
    'Gray the checkbox
    ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Object.Value = Null
End Sub

One thing worth noting is that when you programatically change the state of the checkbox to True or False, it calls the Click event for that checkbox. In other words, if you have a macro that runs when you click your checkbox on your spreadsheet, it may run when you change its value using VBA.

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Enabling/Disabling your Checkbox

ActiveX checkboxes gray out when you disable them, which is excellent. They can either gray out in the Checked or Unchecked state. Disabling a checkbox prevents the user from changing the value of the checkbox by clicking (checking and unchecking). You would still be able to change the value by using VBA. Here are some examples for disabling ActiveX checkboxes:

Method 1

Sub DisableCheckbox()
    ActiveSheet.CheckBox1.Enabled = False
End Sub

Method 2

Sub DisableCheckbox2()
    ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Object.Enabled = False
End Sub

Method 3

Sub DisableCheckbox3()
    ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Enabled = False
End Sub

I know, I know. It makes no sense that you get the same outcome whether or not you use the .Object keyword. This works for some properties, like .Enabled, but not for other properties, like .Value.

ActiveX Checkbox Disable
Top 2 Checkboxes are Disabled

Remember when we did this with the Form Control Checkboxes? Recall that disabling the checkboxes did not disable the macro associated with it. ActiveX checkboxes are different. Disabling the checkbox does disable the Click event macro associated with it.

To enable your checkbox again, just set the .Enabled property back to True using whichever method you prefer. Here’s an example:

Sub EnableCheckbox()
    ActiveSheet.CheckBox1.Enabled = True
End Sub

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Hiding/Unhiding your Checkbox

You can completely hide your ActiveX Checkboxes by changing the .Visible property. Setting it to True shows the checkbox and setting it to False hides the checkbox.

Method 1

Sub HideCheckbox()
    ActiveSheet.CheckBox1.Visible = False
End Sub

Method 2

Sub HideCheckbox2()
    ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Visible = False
End Sub

Again, I know it makes no sense, but you cannot use the .Object notation to change the visibility, like you could to enable/disable the checkbox. Silly fact.

ActiveX Checkbox Visible False
Price checkbox no longer visible

To make your checkbox visible again, change the .Enabled property back to True using whichever method you prefer. Here’s an example:

Sub ShowCheckbox()
    ActiveSheet.CheckBox1.Visible = True
End Sub

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Editing the Label (Caption) of your Checkbox

You can change the caption of your Checkbox using the .Caption property. The following examples change the label beside CheckBox1 from “Price” to “Reliability.”

Method 1

Sub ChangeCaption()
    ActiveSheet.CheckBox1.Caption = "Reliability"
End Sub

Method 2

Sub ChangeCaption2()
    ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Object.Caption = "Reliability"
End Sub

Here’s the end product:

CheckBox1 Caption

If using the OLEObjects method, the .Object method must be used to change the caption. Otherwise, you’ll get a runtime error.

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Adding/Deleting a Checkbox

To add an ActiveX Checkbox, you need to know where you want to place the checkbox and what size you want it to be.

Add a Checkbox

Sub AddCheckbox()
    With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.CheckBox.1", _
        Left:=51.75, Top:=183, Width:=120, Height:=19.5)
        .Name = "NewCheckBox"
        .Object.Caption = "Reliability"
    End With
End Sub

Notice how this macro combines the .Name and .Caption properties we discussed earlier to make a new checkbox with a custom label and custom name.

Adding a Checkbox
Creating a New Checkbox

To delete the checkbox titled NewCheckBox, run this VBA macro:

Delete a Checkbox

Sub DeleteCheckbox()
End Sub

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Selecting a Checkbox

To select a checkbox titled CheckBox5 on your spreadsheet, try the following macro:

Method 1

Sub SelectCheckbox()
End Sub

Method 2

Sub SelectCheckbox2()
End Sub

You won’t actually see that the checkbox is selected until you enter Design Mode on your Developer Tab.

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Linking Checkbox to a Cell

To link a checkbox to the value of a cell using VBA, you would try one of the following methods:

Method 1

Sub LinkCheckbox()
    ActiveSheet.CheckBox5.LinkedCell = "Sheet1!$A$1"
End Sub

Method 2

Sub LinkCheckbox2()
    ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CheckBox5").LinkedCell = "Sheet1!$A$1"
End Sub

Now, cell “A1” in “Sheet1” changes to “TRUE” when CheckBox5 is checked, “FALSE” when unchecked and “#N/A” when Null.

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Changing the Checkbox Font

The ability to change the font style of an ActiveX checkbox is what sets it apart from Form Control checkboxes. These next macros change the font, font size and other font properties of an ActiveX Checkbox named CheckBox1:

Method 1

Sub ChangeFont()
    With ActiveSheet.CheckBox1
        .Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
        .Font.Size = 14
        .Font.Italic = True
        .Font.Bold = True
        .Font.Underline = True
        .Font.Strikethrough = True
    End With
End Sub

Method 2

Sub ChangeFont2()
    With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Object
        .Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
        .Font.Size = 14
        .Font.Italic = True
        .Font.Bold = True
        .Font.Underline = True
        .Font.Strikethrough = True
    End With
End Sub

ActiveX Checkbox Font
ActiveX Checkbox Font

Play around with the properties in the examples above until you get the look you desire. Using the .Font object, you can change the actual font of the checkbox caption, the size of the font and whether or not the font is italicized, bolded, underlined or struck through. Notice how this only changes the label beside the checkbox - not the actual checkbox.

Although most of the macros in this guide show you how to change properties of your ActiveX Checkboxes using VBA, this is a good time to remind you the macros work both ways. For example, if you’re interested in seeing what value a property is set to, just change the order of the equality:

Sub CheckFont()
    MsgBox ActiveSheet.CheckBox5.Font.Name
End Sub

ActiveX Checkbox Font
ActiveX Checkbox Font

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Changing the Color of the Checkbox

In addition to changing the font style, changing the color of an ActiveX checkbox also makes it stand out from Form Control checkboxes. The following macro examples change the font color and background color of the ActiveX Checkbox named CheckBox1:

Method 1

Sub ChangeColor()
    With ActiveSheet.CheckBox1
        .ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)
        .BackColor = RGB(200, 200, 200)
    End With
End Sub

Method 2

Sub ChangeColor2()
    With ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("CheckBox1").Object
        .ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 255)
        .BackColor = RGB(200, 200, 200)
    End With
End Sub

ActiveX Checkbox Colors
ActiveX Checkbox Colors

The .ForeColor property changes the font color, while the .BackColor property changes the background color of your checkbox. If you find that your checkbox does not appear centered in your background color, adjust the .Height property of your checkbox.

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Changing Other Checkbox Properties

By now, I’m sure you’re starting to notice a bunch of commonalities between each of these macro examples.

If you want to change other properties listed in the Properties Window, you can follow one of the above examples, but change the property portion of the code to the property you want to change as it appears in the Properties Window. Here is an example to get you started:

Sub ChangeProperties()
    With ActiveSheet.CheckBox1
        .Alignment = 0 'Move checkbox to the right of the caption
        .SpecialEffect = 0 'Flat checkbox
        .BackStyle = 0 'Transparent background
        .TextAlign = 3 'Align text to the right
        .TripleState = True 'Allow checkbox to toggle to Null
    End With
End Sub

ActiveX Checkbox Other Properties
Wacky Checkbox

You can change the size and position of the checkbox in much the same way.

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Run Macro when Checkbox is Clicked

To run a Macro when your checkbox is clicked, you’ll use the Click event. This template runs when CheckBox1 on Sheet1 is clicked:

Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
    'Your Macro Here
End Sub

It’s important that you paste this template in the Microsoft Excel Object associated with where your checkbox is located! My checkbox is located on Sheet1, so I double-clicked Sheet1 and pasted the macro in there.

ActiveX Checkbox Click
In Sheet1 because my checkbox was on Sheet1

Here’s an example. If your checkbox is named cbSelect, your macro would look like:

Private Sub cbSelect_Click()
    'Your Macro Here
End Sub

Notice the name if the Private Sub now says cbSelect_Click

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Run Macro when Mouse Hovers over Checkbox

To run a Macro when your mouse hovers over your checkbox, you’ll use the MouseMove event. This template runs when the mouse moves over the CheckBox1 checkbox.

Private Sub CheckBox1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single)
    'Place Your Macro Here
End Sub

Remember, this template must be pasted in the Microsoft Excel Object that matches the worksheet where your checkbox is located! My checkbox is located on Sheet1, so I double-clicked Sheet1 and pasted the macro in there.

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Other Checkbox Events

For a complete list of ActiveX Checkbox Events,

  1. Open your VBA Editor,
  2. Click your worksheet under Microsoft Excel Objects in the Project Explorer Pane (left)
  3. Select your Checkbox from the left dropdown box
  4. Click the down arrow in the Declarations dropdown box on the right.

ActiveX Checkbox Events
View All ActiveX Checkbox Events

Play around with these events to create some powerful spreadsheet interfaces.

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Looping Through All Checkboxes

Use this template to loop through all ActiveX Checkboxes in your active sheet. This macro lets you take different actions depending on whether your checkboxes are checked, unchecked or null. Be sure to read the macro comments to understand how you can modify the VBA macro.

Sub CheckboxLoop()
Dim objX As OLEObject

'Loop through Checkboxes
With ActiveSheet
    For Each objX In .OLEObjects
        If TypeName(objX.Object) = "CheckBox" Then
            If objX.Object.Value = True Then
                'Do something if Checked
            ElseIf objX.Object.Value = False Then
                'Do something if Unchecked
            ElseIf IsNull(objX.Object.Value) Then
                'Do something if null
            End If
        End If
End With
End Sub

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