These Excel VBA tutorials are designed to teach you everything you need to know about Excel VBA. Chapter 1 starts with VBA basics and each subsequent chapter introduces you to more advanced topics.

VBA Topics
Basics | Error Handling | ActiveX and Form Controls | VBA Code Library | UDFs | Strings | File I/O | Q&A | Data Type Conversions | UserForms | Arrays | Math | VBA Shell Macros | Community Submissions | More Articles | Resources

For more essential VBA tips, grab a copy of our Ultimate VBA Training Bundle. This cheat sheet set has over 200 practical tips covering the 125 most important topics in Excel VBA. We also stuffed it with 140 macro examples.

Ready to do more with VBA?
We put together a giant PDF with over 300 pre-built macros and we want you to have it for free. Enter your email address below and we'll send you a copy along with our VBA Developer Kit, loaded with VBA tips, tricks and shortcuts.

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    Complete List of Excel VBA Blog Posts

Ready to do more with VBA?
We put together a giant PDF with over 300 pre-built macros and we want you to have it for free. Enter your email address below and we'll send you a copy along with our VBA Developer Kit, loaded with VBA tips, tricks and shortcuts.

I want your free VBA PDF and Developer Kit

    Useful Excel Resources

    Links from fellow Excel enthusiasts
    • Learn Excel Dashboards - If you want to discover how to make beautiful Excel dashboards, Brad Edgar is your man. He's a great resource for learning Excel dashboards and gaining efficiency with shortcuts, formulas and functions.
    • The Spreadsheet Guru - Chris Newman shares Excel tips with the goal of turning you into your office's Spreadsheet Guru. Chris wants you to always ask the question, "Is there a better, faster, more accurate way to do this?" His website helps provide the answer.
    • Trump Excel - If you're looking for a wide variety of creative tutorials and Excel tips, you'll find great content at Trump Excel. In addition to offering formula and charting guides, Sumit Bansal provides wonderful templates to get you started.
    • Excel Champs - Puneet Gogia has a comprehensive website that provides useful tips & tricks for learning Excel formulas & functions, excel charts and macros. The website even includes a chaptered guide to VBA.
    • Excel TV - Excel TV offers a unique and effective way to become better at Excel and BI technologies by featuring live interviews with Excel experts, spreadsheet tips, contests, panel discussions and community engagement.