This tutorial explains all the important Python string operations and Python string formatting methods. We'll discuss operations on the strings themselves, and methods of formatting output strings.
This tutorial explores Python exceptions, or errors, and covers Python exception handling techniques, like the try except statement.
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This Python tutorial describes Python namespaces, variable scopes, and how to change the scopes of variables. Global and nonlocal statements are also discussed.
This tutorial describes Python input and output (I/O) from the terminal, using the os module, manually importing text files, using with statements, and the csv module.
This tutorial discusses Python class objects, class constructors, Python methods, underscore naming convention, attribute name mangling, and class object inheritance.
We created a suite of 6 VBA cheat sheets with over 200 tips showing you everything you need to know to start making power Excel applications. Take a look!
This tutorial covers Python modules, importing objects from modules, understanding the module search path, and it covers the scipy, numpy, pandas, and matplotlib modules.
This tutorial covers Python functions, user-defined functions, the map function, lambda functions, functions versus methods, and function objects.
This tutorial covers Python conditionals, loops and logical operators, including basic boolean expressions, if statements, in statements, is statements, for loops, while loops, range function, and list comprehensions.
Tutorial on Python's data structures, including lists, dictionaries, sets, and tuples. Includes list and dictionary operations, such as len(), sum(), list(), and sorted().
This introduction to Python Data Types will teach you everything you need to know about working with different data types in Python, including integers, floats, complex, booleans, none, and strings.
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