Today, we'll explain Python's if __name__ == '__main__' statement, which is used to check whether a Python file was run directly or imported by another file.
This article shows you three ways to calculate the execution time of a Python script using the default time module, the timeit module, and the %%timeit command.
Want to learn more programming languages? We've combined each of our comprehensive VBA reference guides into a single bundle with over 200 tips and macros covering the 125 most important topics in VBA.
This tutorial shows how to implement multithreading in Python. Multithreading lets you run functions in parallel, which we'll demonstrate with several examples.
The Python unittest module is used to perform unit testing in Python. We'll explain unit testing and show examples to help you get started with the unittest module.
Python decorators let you extend the behavior of a function in Python without explicitly modifying the original function. Let's show you how to build your own.
We created a suite of 6 VBA cheat sheets with over 200 tips showing you everything you need to know to start making power Excel applications. Take a look!
This tutorial shows you how to create a spam email detector based on machine learning techniques using Python's scikit-learn library for machine learning.
This tutorial teaches you how to access your Gmail account through Python and even read emails in your inbox using Python's imap_tools library.
Sending an email through Gmail with Python is easy. Simply reference the proper Gmail SMTP server and configure your Python script using the smtplib library.
Learn how to zip and unzip files and folders in Python using zipfile and shutil. This tutorial includes examples to zip individual files and entire directories.
This tutorial explains what Python list slicing is and how to create subsets of one-dimensional and two dimensional lists in Python using list slicing.
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