This tutorial shows you how to properly use the VBA DateAdd function to add and subtract dates based on certain time intervals like hours, days, and months.
This tutorial describes the difference between the VBA ClearContents and the VBA Clear Methods and explains how to use them to clear cells in your own macros.
We've combined each of our comprehensive wellsrPRO VBA training reference guides into a single bundle with over 200 tips and macros covering the 125 most important topics in VBA.
You should declare constants in VBA when you need a value defined and you know the value won't change. You declare constants using VBA Const and Public Const.
Check if optional parameters have been passed using the VBA IsMissing function and learn how to create your own flexible optional parameter checking functions.
This tutorial will help you understand the difference between passing variables with ByRef and ByVal in VBA (plus a little on variable scope and RAM).
We just added a 6th cheat sheet to our training bundle. With our new guide on VBA UserForms, our bundle now has over 200 tips like how to automate data extraction from text files, how to remove duplicates from an array, and how to dynamically populate a listbox.
This custom VBA function improves upon Excel's built-in CELL and INFO functions by returning information not available in the CELL and INFO functions.
See how to make VBA HTTP POST requests initiate server-side actions on APIs. You can also use HTTP POST requests to interact with Google Forms using VBA.
This VBA function will return the screen size and other display metrics for the screen containing Excel's ActiveWindow. It even supports multi-monitor configurations.
As you create new VBA macros and procedures, the MsgBox function is frequently used to communicate, but sometimes the standard MsgBox buttons are inadequate.
Learn how to make API HTTP GET requests in VBA using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP60. HTTP GET requests allow more efficient data collection and processing with VBA.
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