The VBA Beep statement is limited for audible signaling, but Windows' PlaySound function can be used to play standard system sounds or any WAV file using VBA.
The OnUndo method can be used to program the Undo button, but the supporting VBA code must be carefully designed. Use of the OnRepeat method is discouraged.
We've combined each of our comprehensive wellsrPRO VBA training reference guides into a single bundle with over 200 tips and macros covering the 125 most important topics in VBA.
The VBA Application.OnTime method lets you schedule the execution of an Excel macro at a certain time. Scheduling a macro to run at a specified time is useful.
The VBA Union method in Excel is designed to combine ranges into a single range. You can use VBA Union to combine multiple ranges or even grab a subset of a larger range.
The VBA Environ function grabs your operating system information and returns it as a string. This VBA Environ macro will list all the environment variables for your system.
We just added a 6th cheat sheet to our training bundle. With our new guide on VBA UserForms, our bundle now has over 200 tips like how to automate data extraction from text files, how to remove duplicates from an array, and how to dynamically populate a listbox.
Learn how to make custom ribbons using Excel VBA and XML. Custom ribbons allow buttons or other controls to launch macros you created in your spreadsheet.
Learn how to display a Save As dialog box using the VBA msoFileDialogSaveAs object. The VBA msoFileDialogSaveAs object has several properties and methods designed to help you interactively save your files.
Combine the VBA FileDialog object with msoFileDialogOpen to open files in Excel. This tutorial takes a look at the properties and methods of the msoFileDialogOpen VBA dialog box.
This is an in-depth look at scatter plots in Excel and how to create them using VBA. Chart algorithms written in VBA help you represent extra dimensions in your scatter plots.
Use this VBA function to extract the URL from a cell in Excel. This VBA function works whether the hyperlink is entered using the =HYPERLINK() function or the Insert > Hyperlink menu.
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